Developed with solid, academic foundations, Marquette Energy Analytics, LLC’s services have been carefully fashioned to support utilities in the American energy industry. We offer a range of solutions to handle the various demand forecasting needs of our customers and the frequently changing requirements of our industry.
MCast ™ GasDay offers proven forecasting models delivered as a Software-as-a-Service product. It is used by dozens of LDCs around the country to deliver natural gas to more than 28 million individual customers. It forecasts daily gas demand 8 days into the future; models are custom-built to local needs, local weather, and local historical data. Once in service your forecaster will automatically track and adjust for your customers’ changing behavior.
Features included in the SaaS Platform are:
MCast ™ GasHour is a cloud-based product that delivers hour-by-hour forecasts for the next 106 hours (4+ days). It is useful for larger utilities to manage their flow during the day. It uses 106 proprietary forecast models developed specifically for hourly forecasting. MCast ™ GasHour™ is an excellent tool for anticipating the hourly load demand of a distribution system. It is used by many LDCs as a tool to manage flow, storage, and balances throughout the day.
Our 365-day ahead SaaS forecasting product provides insights for strategic and seasonal demand planning and analysis.
Provided Benefits are:
• Regulatory Compliance
• Financial Planning
• Storage Capacity Planning
Our electric power forecasting models are customized to each region’s historical data. Our forecasts are fine-tuned, and custom designed to meet local needs, including tuning parameters, adding weather inputs, and data cleaning.
Track and analyze balances throughout the day with detailed hourly forecasting up to four days out.
We are experienced in developing customer-class studies and long-range econometrics-based forecasting projects. We have forecasted neighborhood-by-neighborhood, zip code-by-zip code, and street-by-street, to name a few.
Not every demand forecast utilities want has been done before- not to worry. We create and execute hyper-individualized custom studies to predict business success. We often help large energy companies improve their operations, either by reducing costs or by supporting services that generate new earnings through our custom studies.
In addition to consulting, we now offer forecasting by premise, or leveled forecasting, to further help utilities navigate this constantly changing landscape. This advanced level of granularity in our studies allows for a more detailed examination of areas that have previously been restricted by limited data sets.
(414) 765-2855
313 N. Plankinton Ave
Suite #211
Milwaukee, WI 53203